Command lines while VASP is running

outi reads and prints iterations for the optimization of the nuclei (first number) and electron density (second number)to screen from the OUTCAR file
outf reads and prints the FORCE on nuclei to the screen from the OUTCAR file
oute reads and prints the ENERGY of fixed nuclei to the screen from the OUTCAR file When running this script type directory_name where directory_name is the name of directory to store the output files for a VASP run. When is run it will compress your VASP outfput files and place them in directory_name. It will also leave the four VASP starting files in your current directory. The POSCAR will contain the last configuration from the previous optimization reads the OUTCAR and prints FORCE and ENERGY to file fe.dat reads the XDATCAR and creates a movie ( of the run
potpaw prints the current atoms in your POTCAR files
getpot creates a POTCAR file. When running getpot type getpot A B .. where A, B ... are the atomic symbols for the elements in your simulation.

To learn more about helpful scripts available on the cluster check out this webpage.