The Queuing System

The queuing system is used to run jobs on the cluster. Essentially, this is a lineup of jobs that will be run on one or more of the computer nodes. When one job finishes, the next job in the queue will start.

Command line utilities

qstat -u username: see what is in the queue
qstat -f: full listing of jobs running and in the queue
qsub: submit a job
qfree: see a list of machines with idle processors
qdel: delete a job by job number
qcd: changes directory to run directory of job number delete a job -- this reads the machines in ll_out and kills all of your processes on them

Submission Script
Sample script

Important lines to customize
#$ -M Email address for job status notification
#$ -pe mpi8 8 This is the number of processors for the job (stick to 2 for now)