To obtain the code, use svn:svn co http://theory.cm.utexas.edu/svn/kdb
Since this code is being built by many members, remeber to update the code everytime before you use it.
You can update it using command the following command at your KDB directory:
svn up
svn will create a directory where you invoked it, called kdb. Inside it are two important directories: bin and test. The executable is located in bin: kdb_local_client.py and kdb_remote_client.py. DO NOT USE kdb_remote_client.py. at the moment.
If insertion is successful, you'll get the message "KDB insert success", and a database will be created where you run the command, named kdb.db
A new directory called kdbmatches will be created where you run the command.
Nudged Elastic Band
This will be your primary tool for finding reaction paths. With this method, the process of finding a saddle point can be devided into 3 steps:
More documentation can be found at the Henkelman group page. Below is a step-by-step guide once your initial and final states are converged, ideally to below 0.01 eV per angstrom.