Computational Module 0 Part A: Software Setup.
Estimated time needed: less than 15 minuts.
Welcome to Computational Materials! In this course, you will be running simulations on our computer cluster known as the FRI cluster. The FRI cluster is running a Linux operating system and requires a secure shell client (SSH) to access the machine. In this module you will:- Install the software needed access the FRI cluster on your personal laptop,
- Create a unique key needed to access our computer cluster,
- Submit this key to the Canvas assignment, and
- Install software needed for visualizations.
- Install the software MobaXterm Home Edition (the free version). It doesn't matter if you choose the portable version or the installed version.
- Run MobaXterm and set up a SSH key if you don't have one already. In the menu bar, click "Tools". In the drop down menu, click MobaKeyGen.
In the new window, click "Generate", then follow instructions and move your mouse in the blank area.
- Once enough movement is generated, you will see your key displayed. Make sure to save both the public key file and the private key file somewhere you'll remember such as under Documents. Do not store them on your Desktop!.
Keep your private key secure, because whoever gets your private key becomes you. Upload the public key file to the Canvas assignment "public key".
Note that this private key is never used. You should never allow others to see your private key.
- Open the app "Terminal" and type the command
- Follow the instructions to set the path/location for your files (hit enter without typing anything to use the default path), then set up (or not) a passphrase for your key files.
Once it's set up, you'll get your command line back. Below is a sample output.
- To see your key files, use the following commands: first cd, this will take you to your home directory. Secondcd .ssh, this will take you to the .ssh/ directory. Thirdls, this will show the content in your current directory. Lastlycat This will display the content of the file "". Copy the text and submit it to the Canvas assignment "public key". Below are sample outputs.
- Lastly, Mac users need to install XQuartz .