Part 2: Step1 band
- Go to your step1 directory and create the "band" directory.
Create the band with ../ini/CONTCAR ../fin/CONTCAR 5
.The script arg1 arg2 arg3
takes in 3 arguments. arg1 is the path to the initial state geometry. arg2 is the path to the final image geometry.
The geometries doesn't need to be CONTCAR files but they must be converged geometries. So, you can use POSCARs here as long as the geometry contained within is converged.
arg1 and arg2 must be of the same format. A file editted by ase gui and saved is in VASP-4 format while a file produced by VASP is in VASP-5 format. If you have a format difference between files of converged geometry, you can open the VASP-5 one, edit nothing but save as itself again. This will rewrite the file in VASP-4 format.
arg3 is the number of images between initial and final state. 5 is a reasonable initial guess that is not too expensive. We always want an odd number of images. In the ideal case where the middle image is the transition state, we will have equal number of images before and after the transition state. - Run the script 0.5
. This will keep your atoms from overlapping with each other. - Visually examine the the movement made by the band with
andxyz movie
. With some experience, you will detect motions that makes no sence to chemistry. - Copy over the KPOINTS and POTCAR from your ini or fin directory.
Copy over the INCAR and slurm_fri.sub from /home/fri/lab_files_2022/lab4
Notice that the INCAR contains a line "IMAGES". It must equal to the arg3 of script, i.e. the number of images in the band.
In slurm.sub, the line with "-n" now has "-n 120" instead of "-n 24". This means that you are requesting 120 cores. The line with "-N" now has "-N 5" instead of "-N 1", meaning that this calculation requires 5 nodes. The number of nodes requested must equal to the number of images in the band! Together these two lines mean that we are requesting 5 nodes and all cores on those nodes, since our nodes have 24 cores each. - Edit the jobname accordingly and submit the job. After every run, you need to wrap up the job with first before any analysis.
After has created the run# directory, go to run# and run the script
to analyze the
creates the following important file: nebef.dat, movie, mep.eps.
The movie shows the band after the first round of optimization. Look at it with xyz. With experience you'll know if the band is getting better or worse.
nebef.dat contains the forces and energies of each image. When the force on every image is below the convergence criteria (in some cases, getting very close is OK as well), your band is converged.
mep.eps shows the energy landscape of the reaction. Looking at the mep (minimum energy pathway) and how it changes over runs tell you if your band is getting better or worse. Some problematic cases are displayed in the mep gallery.
- Keep running the band until it converges. When it does, the file exts.dat contains the saddle point (transition state). It should be very close to one of the images. You can use the energy and geometry of that image as the energy and geometry of the transition state.